Ahh the Journal View, our most beloved view among our users. Here I will explain each section and what you can do with it. Take a quick peek below
I will start from the top left and move down to the bottom right.
Top left:
By clicking on the Day link you can switch your groupings to Day, Week, or Month for easier navigation
By clicking on the highlighted Overview link you can collapse or show your statistics for the day, week, or month you are looking at. You can also add a description for that grouping as well.
The red #1 allows you to hide the navigation from the previous step while the number 2 allows you to mark all of your trades as reviewed at once or merge your trades
Now on to the chart and notes sections. We have articles dedicated to these two sections here:
The last stop is the Details Section. Take note of the highlighted link, with this link you can re-arrange the different cards so that you can place the most important sections on top.
This section contains features to allow you to:
tag your trades
upload media
assign this trade to a strategy sample set
set your R/R values
view your maximum excursion
view each individual trade
edit commissions on each individual trade
view other position related statistics
Here is another image showing the other features
And that's basically it for the journal!