Step 1: Open your Interactive Brokers account web site, go to Performance & Statements, then click Statements. (Make sure to login to the proper account type, SIM or REAL)
Step 2: If you have multiple IB accounts, the Account Selector opens. Search for and select an account.
Step 3: On the right hand side of the screen look for "Third Party Downloads"
Step 4: Choose the TradeLog selection
Step 5: Select the period and date using the drop-downs provided.
Step 6: Click Run to create the TradeLog report.
Step 7: Download the .tlg file to your desktop (or anywhere else - just remember where you put it). Note - you do not need to open the file; just download it to your desktop.
Step 8: Here on the import page, click "Choose a file", choose the file you created above, and click "Upload".